ART 1300C
October 14 — December 4th

Home Assignments Vocabulary Syllabus Supplies


1: Do a gesture drawing, with brush and ink, of a model in an action pose (ex. hands, feet and fabric can show action.) Do several studies on cheap paper and at least two final versions on fine paper. Paper: Stonehenge (1) and Coventry Rag (1)

Movement: Plan your image by analyzing the values and the type of mark needed to communicate it on a 2D surface. Be careful to manipulate your light source(s) so that it does not appear random. Look at your model for a few moments before you begin drawing so as to plan for placement on the page. While drawing, hold a passage in your mind before you transfer it to paper. Sample strategies: Use thicker lines to articulate areas where tension is slack, or the object falls into shadow; use thinner lines to indicate a taut surface or a brightly lit contour. Darken only the bottom and left areas of your closed shapes, and highlight the top right areas (according to your light source.) Use a more energetic line to describe skin, and a quiet line to describe upholstery.


2: In brush or pen, with ink on large paper, do a continuous line drawing of a cluttered corner of your living space. Paper: Stonehenge (1)

Emphasis: Objects that overlap create visual interest. The restatement of lines creates a dynamic image. Create a language of lines (ie. the most important objects look darker and unimportant objects can be drawn more lightly and with minimal detail; etc.)


3: Do a mixed media drawing that portrays 3 markedly different textures. Make a non-objective image. Paper: Coventry Rag (1)


3A: Do a mixed media drawing that portrays 3 markedly different textures. Make a representational image. Paper: Stonehenge (1)

Texture: Plan which textures to use by analyzing the values needed, as well as the type of mark needed to communicate them on a 2D surface. Be careful to manipulate your light source(s) so that they do not appear random in the final work.


In Class: Do a still life drawing of fabrics with white chalk or conte crayon on dark Canson paper. Then do one with light and dark media.


4: Do a charcoal, value drawing on large paper of the view from your front or back porch. Paper: Stonehenge (1)

Cropping: Choose a view that evokes a response from you. Perhaps you’re not so keen about the back of the building directly in front of you, but if you look to the left, is there a bell tower. Try to incorporate both if possible but if you only care to draw the distant belltower, how will you make the final drawing interesting to a viewer? What will be in the center of your drawing? How will the edges of the image interact with your drawing area?



5: Do a self portrait in any media(um), and any modality. Make sure there is a background and foreground as well as yourself. Try and show a little bit of your personality through the scenery (in the background,) or objects (in the foreground.) Paper: Stonehenge (1)

Depth can be created in several ways: Overlapping objects; gradiating from sharp detail to blurryness; moving from brightness to shadow; strong value contrast to minimal value contrast...etc.